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Monday 31 December 2012

Butterfly Women LOST

A black leather wraps her.
She huddles up in the shadow
shouting out her presence.
She is hidden.
They will not find her
 untill she appears.
They will not perceive her
 untill she breaks out.

She searches herself and found
courage and strength.
She collected them.
Collected every iota of them
And waited for the flee.

She hardened her body and soul
to cope up with the cold world.
The moon and stars are already out
to watch her debut.
Now it's the cocoon that she has to break

Her ugliness is gone.
Her fatness of youth is gone.
Her gluttony of the past life is gone
The blemish of her former life has metamorphosed

Now she is clean
a new being with a hardened skin
a new being with a hardened soul
 is born.
Her fear is lying there
shattered as her cocoon
memories of that past will soon be cast off

Shouts erupt from below.
Bright beams to highlight her
She stands multicoloured
With translucent wings
that filter the light.

The winds dried her wings of all the past.
She flapped her wings absorbing the music in the wind.
To fly
To sail
To flutter and glide.


in the twisty nets and wires laid by men
to trap her
ensnaring and scratching her hardened skin
Translucent wings of freedom torn in the brawl.

Now she can't walk nor crawl
nor fly high in the sky
She struggles and fights for freedom....
and perishes among the nets and wires

Thought she could fly
High in the sky
Fly past the past
She perishes in the twisted net....

How many butterflies
yet to be perished
in the nets of men?

I wrote this poem in memory of the Delhi gang rape victim. I wouldn't get out of the depressing news even now......

Friday 28 December 2012

Written By

I am searching through my thoughts
For a little spark to write on
a little spark to help me dream on
to give this life a reason
here I am scribbling away the thoughts
that refuse to come alive

Try as I might
words are struggling to come out
They are neatly bottled up inside
causing a traffic jam

And with all these things inside....
my pen refuses to write
warns me of the dangers of letting my thoughts out
And I struggle to pen the words

While I am struggling to write I ask
what's the reason that forces me to write?
It's my heart that compels me
whispers "write it down, write it down"
along with the beats
The truth has to be out
who but you to do it.

So I continue to write
even if the words fail me
even if the rhyme fails me
even if my pen refuses
I will continue to write....
The truth has to be out somehow....

Wednesday 26 December 2012

To a squirrel

Come play with me
Why should you run
through the shaking trees
As though I 'd a gun
To kill you?
when all I would do
Is to scratch your head
touch your tail
and let you go.....

Friday 14 December 2012

I am in need of a music....

I am in need of a music
that could soothe my heart,
that could flow
over my quivering finger
over my tranquil lips.
A melody so deep and transparent
rich and empty
resounding and liquid-slow.
Oh! For the healing it renders
crafed gently by a resonant voice
that touches my soul.
With lines to make me
see light in music
and music in light.
Of some song to rest the tired dead
to flow over my spent limbs
and make my dream blush!

There is a magic made by music;
A spell that lifts you to the clouds
A spell that makes you fly
A spell that creates rest and restlessness.
Heart, sinks in the magic of music
immersed in the turquoise blue of the water
in the stillness of the sea
rested in the arms of rhythm and cadence
and makes me sleep after a catharsis
as a mother.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Safeguarding India’s ancient wisdom

India has a wealth of traditional knowledge and resources. How shall we protect them from infringement and theft? The Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) been able to check the piracy of ancient wisdom related to medicinal plants cost-effectively. Other developing countries whose traditional knowledge (TK) is being plundered want to replicate the idea.TKDL, a collaborative project of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy, is situated in Ghaziabad, U.P.Biopiracy, or misappropriation of TK is rampant, not just in India but in a host of countries rich in bioresources across the African and Latin American continents. The TK of 110 developing countries is vulnerable to theft and capture.
This knowledge, found in Sanskrit, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Arabic, Persian and Urdu texts, is inaccessible and incomprehensible to patent examiners overseas, even to many in India. The focus of TKDL was on breaking the language and format barriers by scientifically converting and structuring the available TK in IPC.
TKDL protects about a quarter million Indian formulations culled from our ancient texts. Now it also includes videos of the most common yoga postures. This is a response to the national furore over the increasing number of patents being granted in the West for yoga exercises.

The Hindu : Opinion / Open Page : Safeguarding India’s ancient wisdom

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Through Someone Else's Eyes

On a horrid summer's day I secluded myself away
Only to be drawn out to the light by nature at play
A Butterfly sailed peacefully and made me envious
with its elegant dance entrancing the innocence in me.

The butterfly came fluttering carelessly
Came gently around me with the breeze
She sat on the smooth petals of a flower
Moved from one flower to another gracefully

When she drifted near me close enough to hear
I said I would love to fly with you
And sail away around, like you
It looks like so much fun

But alas! I don't have your graceful charms
Nor the beautiful wings, just these two arms
are all I have got, designed to walk around
My human feet must touch the ground

Then she spoke to me through her mind mysteriously
And told her wish

She said I would love to walk around all day
Just walk on God's Earth with you
To squish it's mud between the toes
And touch my nose with my fingers

I'd love just once to walk around
with human feet to touch the ground
But all I have is these wings
Nor the legs that swings and long arms with fingers

And we went our separate ways
In wonder and surprise
For we both have seen God's precious gift
through someone else's eyes.......

Inspired by a true incident.Some of the lines in the poem are from the poem that I read some time back..:)

Friday 30 November 2012

Weaving MY DREAM

As I watch the sun fading away
and merging with the ocean
to fill the seashore with light
I begin to take stock and prepare to leave.

A gentle breeze blow softly
whispering a musical note and
radiating a peaceful feeling
that I never knew before.

With the breeze came
a plenty of thoughts,
a plenty of ideas,
a plenty of visions.

Clutching a pencil in my hand
I 've got so much to say
But words fail me
They just don't seem to be enough.

Words unspoken, lurk around
like a hungry wolf
ready to devour the soul
The moment I give in.

Sitting here, I watch the people
play games I don't understand,
games that don't mean a thing.
Yet I stand in their midst.

Alone, with the memories of what once was
searching for reasons to why and how
I search for a reason and a purpose
to keep going on for more!

As night falls and the stars come out
I close my eyes and climb into my Starship
to go to a faraway land leaving everything behind
where I am safe till the morning finds me.

Flying higher than the stars,
I closed my eyes and in the psychedelic mind space
weave many a dream
to write the chapters of my life.....
to ease away my pain......


Tuesday 27 November 2012

Who understands me when I say life is beautiful?

Who understands me when I say life is beautiful?

They took the water away so I live without water
they painted the windows black so I live without light
they built the wall high so I live without a breeze
they locked my cage so i live without going anywhere
they take my life and crush it, so I live without a future
they squeezed all the tears, so I live without tears
they stop up each hope, so live without a way out of the hell
they give me pain, so I live with my pain
they give me hate, so I live with my hate
who understands me when I say my life is beautiful?
Who understands me when I say I have my freedoms?

I cannot fly or create an elephant from thin air
I cannot open heaven or make the earth tremble
But I am can live with myself, astonished with my myself, my love and beauty
I come in no wrapping or a  pretty golden bow
I am taken by my failures and put down by fear
I am stubborn and childish
I practice being me for I am what I am
and found parts of me that I never dreamed before
I goaded them out of the abyss in my heart
when the windows were painted black,
when the walls were built, water turned off
when I had no where to go,
when I had no one to appease
I dug deeper into the dangerous region and found many parts of me
which I never know existed in me
Showed water is not everything
light is within me, taught me to see through the walls
we laughed at me together like children
made a loyal pact to stay as friends forever
Who understands me when I say life is beautiful?
Who understands me when I say I have my freedoms?


Monday 26 November 2012

A triple surgery to extend the life of heart patients

Soon, people suffering from heart troubles can avail of a new therapy. For the first time in India, to resuscitate weak hearts and make them stronger, an Indian-American surgeon will carry out triple therapy-a combination of angiogenesis, stem cells and bypass surgery. 

Dr Mukesh Hariawala is all set to introduce the "natural bypass" in Mumbai's Jaslok Hospital in the first quarter of 2013. The surgery involves spontaneous development of new blood vessels in the heart by laser stimulation and subsequent injection of patient's own stem cells harvested from bone marrow. 

"This surgery is like a natural bypass, wherein, we create alternative vessels from body's own functions," Dr Hariawala told TOI. He said the surgery is mainly meant for very sick patients, whose blood vessels degenerate over the years-especially those who suffer from diffused disease, which is more common in diabetics. 

"We remove the patient's bone marrow, and then the stem cells are separated over the next six to eight weeks. For the triple heart therapy, a hybrid operating suite is required, which would have a combination of a cath lab and operation theatre," said the Harvard-trained doctor. 

Once the patient is taken for the surgery, with the help of laser, doctors perform angiogenesis-the process in which new blood vessels are grown from the pre-existing ones. In this process, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a signal protein produced by cells that restores the oxygen supply to tissues when blood circulation is inadequate. 

"When VEGF is released within the body because of the laser, it forms alternative blood vessels. At the peripheral area where the angiogenesis is performed, we then inject the patient's own stem cells. This patches up or completely restores the blood vessel and the patient will not need further cardiac intervention," said Dr Hariawala. 

The clinical trial for the triple heart therapy has been successfully carried out on 22 patients worldwide. "Within first quarter of 2013, we will be able to provide this treatment," Dr R R Pulgaonkar, chief executive officer of Jaslok Hospital, said. 

But Dr Hariawala warned that the triple therapy is not the answer to all heart problems. "Not all patients suffering from heart problems will be able to get this treatment. This is a complex procedure and is done on only those patients, who suffer from extremely degenerated blood vessels and on whom the bypass surgery alone will not work," he said.

Sunday 25 November 2012

The Hindu : Opinion / Open Page : Ikea, burritos and some trash

I think that serious waste management system should be established in India. We have abundant waste materials that are scattered all over our streets.This plan could make the streets clean, ensure us power for another 4 hours a day if I am not being too optimistic. I wish I could work on a similar project. But I don't understand chemistry much, it has always remained a mystery to me. Lets hope someone good at chemistry work on this and make our India clean.

The Hindu : Opinion / Open Page : Ikea, burritos and some trash

Thursday 22 November 2012



Hundreds of  meanings when the words are spoken in silence
So loud and your ears can't bear
For some this Silence is a gift-
to escape from the rumblings of the world
For many this Silence is a curse-
that takes away their happiness
For a lot Silence is forced-
 for their voice is heard by none
For few Silence is a fate -
for they have already lost their voice.
For very few Silence is a trance-
that they willingly take to observe the world


Monday 19 November 2012

I woke up today and felt a strong urge to write something. While having my morning walk I was pondering about what to write inhaling the beauty of the morning and a promise of another refreshing day. I overheard a conversation of two elderly people. By their appearance and conversation they seemed to belong to the class of “the-retired-and-bored-to-death”. It was sad to hear two men having led a fairly decent life, sound despondent in the evening of their lives. The look and the attitude have not only conquered the older people but many younger ones too. Why do many feel helpless tired and unmotivated? Why can’t we see some real smiles from the hearts in any family gatherings? We can easily classify people with the two types of smiles, the first common one is the perfunctory smile that we force with respite in the heart when we see people we know but don’t wish to talk to them, the second is the uncommon one which we find in some special people who love what they do, who enjoy what they do and every moment of life. Many people who smile in the second style will be celebrities, philanthropist, and social workers etc. Because they found what they love and embraced it.
I have always wondered why don’t  others take charge of their life right here and right now and resolve to make the best out if their years? One has so many choices today. For life is and should be a constant process of reinvention. Constant reinvention at all stages of life is the only way to stay afloat professionally as well as personally. Being on a constant learning curve is also a great way to bring in some healthy excitement in life. Looking around we can realize that movement attracts energy and happiness and prosperity while stagnation brings on depression and stalemate. Flowing water is clean and useful while stagnant one is polluted and breeds disease.
Similarly we need to keep the life force within us moving all the time, no matter what the age. Reinvention is not about learning a new process or techniques; it’s also about changing one’s outlook, interest, hobbies, relationships and job profiles. Even when you are not prepared change will find you and when it finds you better be prepared!
Mahatma Gandhi reinvented himself from a lawyer to father, to a social leader, to the father of our nation. He has constantly reinvented himself at every stage of life and taken care to adapt and remain true to the image. Most people postpone dreams to a later stage; we wait for the “right time” in life. Women look forward to a time when their children are settled and men for their retirement. The only right time is here and now.
While it may not be the right time to fulfil certain dreams, that doesn’t mean that we should not be mentally prepared to receive that dream, nor does it mean that while looking toward the dream we forget the relevance of the present moment. Every present moment offers a chance to learn and reinvent.
As with the elderly men, why should life be waiting for anything at any stage? It should be a constant process of reinvention and relevance. We have to ensure constant release of any stagnant energies, and learn to age gracefully and accept life. For life reveals its beauty at every stage. Life gives us indication that it is time to change. Learn to recognize them and focus on what you really want to do.
Don’t just do the way that has always been done, nor live a life the way it’s “meant” to be lived.
So break the barriers, challenge yourself, innovate and constantly reinvent yourself. Be aware and ride the changes in your life.
Isn’t it exciting God gives you a chance to reinvent yourself every morning?

Thursday 15 November 2012

The Hindu : NATIONAL / TAMIL NADU : Students design solar, wind powered autorickshaw

This is my first invention for which I have applied a patent at Indian patent office guindy.
The concept is very simple but we found it difficult to implement, since it is done for the first time.
this model is developed after immense research and data analysis.This project made me realize that inventing is easy but inventing something that is marketable and innovative is difficult, as we will be first to roll our head in the myriads of questions and data to extract an answer out of it.
The Hindu : NATIONAL / TAMIL NADU : Students design solar, wind powered autorickshaw