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Monday 19 November 2012

I woke up today and felt a strong urge to write something. While having my morning walk I was pondering about what to write inhaling the beauty of the morning and a promise of another refreshing day. I overheard a conversation of two elderly people. By their appearance and conversation they seemed to belong to the class of “the-retired-and-bored-to-death”. It was sad to hear two men having led a fairly decent life, sound despondent in the evening of their lives. The look and the attitude have not only conquered the older people but many younger ones too. Why do many feel helpless tired and unmotivated? Why can’t we see some real smiles from the hearts in any family gatherings? We can easily classify people with the two types of smiles, the first common one is the perfunctory smile that we force with respite in the heart when we see people we know but don’t wish to talk to them, the second is the uncommon one which we find in some special people who love what they do, who enjoy what they do and every moment of life. Many people who smile in the second style will be celebrities, philanthropist, and social workers etc. Because they found what they love and embraced it.
I have always wondered why don’t  others take charge of their life right here and right now and resolve to make the best out if their years? One has so many choices today. For life is and should be a constant process of reinvention. Constant reinvention at all stages of life is the only way to stay afloat professionally as well as personally. Being on a constant learning curve is also a great way to bring in some healthy excitement in life. Looking around we can realize that movement attracts energy and happiness and prosperity while stagnation brings on depression and stalemate. Flowing water is clean and useful while stagnant one is polluted and breeds disease.
Similarly we need to keep the life force within us moving all the time, no matter what the age. Reinvention is not about learning a new process or techniques; it’s also about changing one’s outlook, interest, hobbies, relationships and job profiles. Even when you are not prepared change will find you and when it finds you better be prepared!
Mahatma Gandhi reinvented himself from a lawyer to father, to a social leader, to the father of our nation. He has constantly reinvented himself at every stage of life and taken care to adapt and remain true to the image. Most people postpone dreams to a later stage; we wait for the “right time” in life. Women look forward to a time when their children are settled and men for their retirement. The only right time is here and now.
While it may not be the right time to fulfil certain dreams, that doesn’t mean that we should not be mentally prepared to receive that dream, nor does it mean that while looking toward the dream we forget the relevance of the present moment. Every present moment offers a chance to learn and reinvent.
As with the elderly men, why should life be waiting for anything at any stage? It should be a constant process of reinvention and relevance. We have to ensure constant release of any stagnant energies, and learn to age gracefully and accept life. For life reveals its beauty at every stage. Life gives us indication that it is time to change. Learn to recognize them and focus on what you really want to do.
Don’t just do the way that has always been done, nor live a life the way it’s “meant” to be lived.
So break the barriers, challenge yourself, innovate and constantly reinvent yourself. Be aware and ride the changes in your life.
Isn’t it exciting God gives you a chance to reinvent yourself every morning?

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