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Wednesday 2 January 2013

Living among time bombs and land mines

Living among time bombs and landmines

The gang rape incident of the 23 year old has instilled a fear in me like it had with other women. Shop keeper, vegetable vendors, bus driver - these are the people we come across in our daily life. But we don't know what lies beneath their mask, a little scratch would reveal it. The thing that scares me the most is the inhuman face of terror, of brutality, of cold blooded cruelty that lies behind the mask everyone wears every day.
It is not a rape, it's a violation of humanity, of womanhood and of God himself.

The Delhi incident, Connecticut school massacre, the NewYork subway incident all shows that the world and humanity did come to an end in December 2012 as per Mayan calender.These incidents are just an extreme manifestation of a problem that has been with us for a very long time just waiting for the time to explode in our face. If you scold the student for getting low marks he kills you, if you tell off someone for hitting your car and he whips out a gun, you protest when a man teases you takes that a license to stalk you. We are all living with time bombs and we don't know when they will explode. There are human land mines that you have to be careful not to step on. Lest you trigger off an explosion that kills you.
But surely the educated ones don't explode in this terrible manner. At least this is what I hope. That is where education, culture, spirituality and greater consciousness comes into the picture.

But of course these people involved in Delhi, Connecticut and NewYork are indeed wired differently, with a really sick mind. But however sick they might be if they did,'t think they would get away with that they could have at least thought about it twice. The law should be made stringent enough that they should fear to do something like that in future. And we have to be very alert when dealing with people and be quick to get help or tackle it ourselves since we are living among time bombs and landmines.....

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