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Thursday 30 May 2013

Dance there upon the shore..

Dance there upon the shore
What do you have to care?
For rushing water?
or the roaring wind?

With the hair drenched by salt water.
covered by sands from the castles built
with friends and kins,
dance there upon the shore
What do you have to worry about?
For the castle plundered by the sea?
For the efforts gone in vain.

For you don't know about
the fool's triumph
shattered dreams
lost love
betrayal of a close one
Dance there upon the shore.
what do you have to worry about?
what do you have to care for?

Monday 27 May 2013

My Musings..

Does clarity and sanity
really exists?

Is it only with wise and fools?
Is it not for the lost?

What is clear and sane
to someone
touched by a different light?
heard a different tune?

What's the answer
when the spotlight
points to different direction?
meanwhile it is impossible to see..

Sunday 26 May 2013

Life flows....

Life flows as a river through the hills
slowly as ever,
tranquil as ever.
Sometimes rocks placed on the path,
sometimes contracts in the course,
it falls and flows
and falls and flows.

Sometimes  have time to enjoy the winds that touches
Sometimes fall hard on the rock and cry
as a river our life flows
our love flows
our hope flows

For years it has flowed.
Flowed towards uncertainity
have no choice
except to bare the current
Don't know when the end will come?
what the end would be?

We flow....
Our hope continues to flow...
Our life continues to flow...
Our love continues to flow...
as a river through the hills.

Tuesday 7 May 2013


I have forgotten how it feels
to walk down the road of wonder.

All my fragile dreams lay shattered
glittering the path.

All my happy memories lay faded
as old photos.

Always waiting for a breath of life
for which I could no longer wait.

The empty words of tomorrow
are forgotten in the wind.

I have forgotten how it feels
 to walk down the road to wonder.

All I have become nothing
but a lifeless flesh and bone.

But still this cursed soul
does nothing but this cursed wait.

The universe, I had once
filled with life and colour.

Now I am a mere mortal
every thought heavy on my soul.

I have forgotten how it feels
 to walk down the road to wonder.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Once upon a time..

Once upon a time there was a girl
who thought she was invincible,

She tried to hold her breath
under water, not  because she could
but because she trusted the water.
She trusted that the water could help her breathe.

She tried jumping from the tree,
not because she could fly,but
Because she trusted the ground
too much. Believed that it could
break her fall.

She used to run her fingers through
fire.She knows she would get burned,
but always half expected that the fire
could not burn her.

She loved the world too much
and thought the world too loved her so much
Didn't expect that it didn't love her at least
half as she did.

She used to go to a lonely place
and shout and scream and cry.
Sometimes with silent screams
sometimes with smiles
mostly with thoughts.

She was so engrossed with the screams and thoughts
and she forgot to check
whether the world listens
whether the thoughts and energy
is worth the spent.

It doesn't matter whether she is right or not.It is what she believes in..