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Saturday 30 November 2013

Pluck this little flower.delay not.

Pluck this little flower.delay not.
I am afraid lest,it may droop into dust
not seen Thy feet
where lives the poorest, lowliest and the lost.

Pluck this little flower.delay not
I may not find a place in His garland
I am afraid lest.The day may end unaware
Offering time may go by.

Pluck this little flower.delay not
I am afraid lest,it may fade
unto ignorance and negligance
Let it touch your feet

Pluck this little flower.delay not
I am afraid lest,its fragrance may escape
without tasting
your fragrance of love

Pluck this little flower
while there is time.

I know not...

I know not, how to sing.
But I had ever amused
at your light of music
that illuminates the world.

I know not, how to dance
But I am stunned
at your choreographed
dance of life.

I know not, how to write
But you guided me
scribbling out my thought
on a paper mortal as mine.

Thy music breaks through the rocks
Thy dance baffles me
Thy thoughts fills my soul
My soul longs to join
Thy song, dance and thoughts.

Leave me not
For I am lost away from you.
Away from your sight
My heart knows no rest and respite.

Friday 15 November 2013

I forget.I forget ever not.

I am restless and athirst for faraway things
My soul goes out in longing to touch the flower on far away land
O Great one,Beyond the beyond
O sweet call of thy flute
I forget.I forget ever not.
I have no wings to fly
and that I am bound to this spot evermore

I am waiting eagerly,a stranger on a strange land
Thy song comes to me whispering hope
O Farthest and Closest
O sweet call of thy flute
I forget.I forget ever not.
I have not an iron arm
to break open the wall that confines me.

I am listless and wander endless in my mind
My soul longs to see thy smile blossom
O Indeterminate, Unknowable
O sweet call of thy flute
I forget.I forget ever not.
That the gates are shut everywhere
in the home I live alone.