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Friday 15 February 2013

Stars in you

Standing under the moonlit sky
thinking of reasons aplenty.
Beneath the twinkling stars
dancing to the waves of melodies.

A twinkle here.
A twinkle there.
Sitting under the clear night skies
I wondered
I wondered if I can float up
and gently touch them
and sit next to them.

One by one
coming out of darkness
Slowly shining its way into the dark skies
with it's twinkle.

I couldn't help but draw a parallel
how each one of us are stars ourselves
in this vast ocean of life.

Unknown and unseen
We hide behind the hazy bright clouds of life
constantly trying
to sparkle and shine

Acrosss the huge expanse of night sky,
each star tries to outshine the others.
Each star tries to twinkle its way to glory
a glory that lasts only for a second.

But when the night comes to an end
We are outshined by the powerful sun
in a huge glare
we end up
as a mere dot in canvas.

Find the star inside you
Twinkle in the night sky
Don't worry about lighting up the entire world

Don't worry about twinkling your way to glory
may be you cannot be the mighty Sun.
For when the day dawns only He rules the world.

But you are a star.
A star to someone in this world!
A star with the power to
put a twinkle in
someone else life

Some of the lines are from a poem I read some time back...

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Imprints on a pebble

Everyone who walks by the shore
on noticing a pebble
take upon an imprint of it,
Its texture, color and weight
not the conditions not the provisions
not the affairs and relations
it had with the sea.

They take upon a quick imprint
A presumption
Perhaps a heresy

Valor and courage
Begins with
An open ear
An open heart
An open mind.

Valor and courage
 is not acting at first chance
it is the willingness to comprehend.

Friday 1 February 2013

Book are noble beings.

They don't mock,
they don't compare,
they don't evaluate,
they just speak.
Books are noble beings.

Heedless of my wandering mind,
they speak coherently.
Heedless of my amorphous perception,
they speak lucidly.
Books are noble beings.

Wisdom floating in their pages,
Patience running through their bindings,
Brimming with data, facts and illustration,
Silently sit they in my shelf.
Books are noble beings.

While I nothing in my head
nothing in my mind,
move around boisterously.
Books are noble beings.