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Monday 14 March 2016

Prayers To God

You have stealthily taken
That I had held close
to my head and heart.
I stand now void of my ego.
All I ask now is your mighty shoulder
To wash away my tears
And taste your eternal love

Tuesday 17 February 2015


A tear trickled down my cheeks
I know not...
Whether it's my pained heart or my pained body
But it heals for a moment
Washes away my pains
For a flashing moment..

Monday 5 May 2014

I just want to be a bird for a day

I just want to be a bird for a day

I don't want to be a mighty eagle,
nor a colorful peacock.
I just want to be a little sparrow
Don't want to be sing like a myna,
nor swim elegantly as a swan.
I just want to be a little sparrow

Just a bird
away from my home,
office and love.
Away from everyone whom I love
and everyone who loves me.
Away from everyone who hated me, 
away from everyone I had met until now,
and everyone I am to met in future.

I just want to be a bird for a day

Just to be myself
Just to listen to the whisper of the winds
To watch the sunrise and sunset
perched on top of a lonely tree.
Just to taste freedom and my true self.

Just a bird
Away from anxieties,
hope and aspirations.
Away from all to-do's
planning and tracker sheets.
Away from all my past,
mistakes and decisions.

I just want to be a bird for a day

Friday 3 January 2014

Come upon me my Lord.....

When my heart is hard and parched up,
come upon me with a shower of mercy.
When my grace is lost,
come upon me with a smile of a child.

When all the joy of life is lost,
come upon me with the melody of a song.
When all hope is lost,
come upon me with the compassion of words.

When the tumultuous work
shuts me out from beyond,
my lord of silence
come upon me with thy peace and rest.

When my weak heart sit crouched
in a dim corner,
break open the door and
come with a ceremony of a king.

when the desires and dust blinds me,
come with thy light and thunder.

Sunday 22 December 2013

My desires...

My desires are many.
My cries are pitiful.
Thou had kept me,
untouched by fame and glory,
unknown to achievement ans success.

Thou had saved me
by hard refusals.
By your cold mercy,
thou had saved me
from pity desires and passion.

When I research for my
goal of life fervently.
Thou had hidden it from me,
when I had cried for
all my lost passion and love.
Thou had hidden thyself from me.

Day by day thou had made me
worthy of thy full acceptance
by refusing me ever and anon
saving me from perils of weak uncertain desire.

Friday 6 December 2013

My songs to God

The song I came to sing
remain unsung to this day
Till now I have been stringing
and unstringing my instrument

The words are not set right
rhyme is not perfect
But there is only this agony
of wishing in my heart

I have not seen his face
Nor have I listened to his voice
I have only heard his gentle
footstep from my front door

I live in the hope of meeting him
but this meeting is not yet.

The painting is one of Ravivarma.This painting inspired me to write this poem.

My songs has dropped her ornaments...

My song has dropped her ornaments
Lest they could mar our union
They could come between us
Their jingling could drown Thy whispers

My song has dropped her pride
Lest they could break or connection
They could separate us
Their treads could corrode our harmony

My song has dropped her hatred
Lest they could move between us
And form a great wall
Their presence could hide your love